【問題】Trading in the Zone?推薦回答

作者:Susskind, Lawrence

You've read the classic on win-win negotiating, Getting to Yes ... but so have they, the folks you are now negotiating with. How can you get a leg up ... and win? By showing how to win at win-win n...

作者:Lien, Kathy/ Schlossberg, Boris

Trading is a battle between you and the market. And while you might not be a financial professional, that doesn't mean you can't win this battle. Through interviews with twelve ordinary individuals...

作者:Weiner, Eric J

Acclaimed financial journalist Eric J. Weiner reveals how foreign countries and private investors are increasingly controlling the global economy and secretly wresting power from the United States ...

作者:Saporito, Emanuela

This book aims to identify ways of overcoming the limitations of the communicative tradition in understanding participatory spatial planning. Three conceptual models that offer different perspectiv...

作者:Ward, Steve

High Performance Trading provides proven practical techniques and strategies to help traders of all abilities, experience levels and styles to enhance their trading performance and psychology. Base...

作者:Swift, Jody

Enjoy your trip to the United States with the Orlando Travel Guide: Sights, Culture, Food, Shopping & Fun.The Quick Trips to the United States Series provides key information about the best sights ...


  透過「互聯互通」框架,利用香港上市融資優勢,接軌國際金融市場   市場上首本深入闡述內地與香港「互聯互通」和新經濟融資創新的中、英雙語著作   國際金融環境動蕩,以「滬港通」、「深港通」和「債券通」為代表的互聯互通機制,奠定了香港連接東西的獨特金融樞紐地位,也為中國資本市場的對外開放探索出一條新路徑。   全球經濟結構面臨轉型,香港在新經濟融資創新方面不斷探索,積累了亞洲時區可供參考...


華爾街名家投資心法,金融交易只要跟著走勢圖形, 消除市場波動的隨機性,就能成功掌握勝算。   有40年經驗的華爾街投資名家,   教您從蝴蝶、AB=CD、三衝等各種圖形,   洞悉股市脈動,學習辨識趨勢日,   以機率思考、資金管理、風險評估,掌握成功勝算!   不僅適合技術面分析的新手,也適合經驗豐富的交易人。 強力推薦   「裴薩文托和喬弗拉斯是利用走勢圖圖形,以及過去的技術交易...


交易之道:攻心為上,技術次之! 熱銷全球,《紀律的交易者》百萬系列名作   價格的跳動,始於市場中起伏的人心,   建立堅不可摧的贏家心智系統,是交易者的重中之重!   投資人的命運並非取決於股票市場或個別上市公司,而是取決於投資人本身。──彼得‧林區   這本書所寫的心法相當高層,如果參破這一關,就可以達到無畏的境界!──王力群     思考方式對了,錢就賺不完──   金融市場並不是...

